All posts by JW5par

Dear Readers


Physical Activity Review publishes peer-reviewed, high quality, and the most up-to-date studies from international research into all aspects of sport science. The journal also reviews the most topical and significant insights into physical education & sport for all, martial arts & combats sports, recreation & tourism. The intended readers and contributors areacademic researchers, physicians, and professional trainers, who reach by Physical Activity Review:

  • High Visibility. Our open access policy allows maximum visibility across a global readership.
  • Rapid publication. Peer-review process and immediate online publication upon final acceptance.
  • Flexibility. The journal allows publication of large data sets and an unrestricted number of color illustrations.

We are pleased to publish interesting works the essence of which is very mature. We are grateful to the authors and reviewers who with their constructive criticism contribute to the quality and further dynamic development of Physical Activity Review. A significant part of Physical Activity Review is composed of publications that are related to cultural and social contexts of education and health-related  behaviour resulting from practicing martial arts. The publishers are pleased to invite Authors to publish empirical and theoretical works of physical education and related disciplines and social sciences and health sciences that represent interdisciplinary approach. Starting a new year 2017 of this paper, we invite to publish scientific analyses within the area ranking from physical education, health-related science and social sciences presenting different points of view and research perspectives. In connection with readers’ interest the list of subjects has been enlarged with two new subjects: active lifestyle, sports psychology.

Prof. Jacek Wąsik, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief